What is The Palmer Club?
The Palmer Club is a global Club membership that provides extensive golf, travel and leisure lifestyle benefits; supported by your own personal Club Concierge available 7 days a week.
How much does Membership cost?
$10 per month, with no long term commitment. Members also have the ability to enroll for an annual Membership at $120.
How do I enroll?
You can enroll online here.
How do I pay for my membership?
Online payment options include MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover.
What are Savings Credits?
Savings Credits are "SAVINGS" represented in dollars that can be redeemed dollar for dollar to reduce the Guaranteed Best Prices on travel, vacations, cruises, golf packages, wine and more!
When do my Savings Credits Expire?
Automatic Savings Credits, provided at enrollment and each month of continued membership, expire twenty four (24) months after their issuance date, but may be used for future travels as long as the travel is booked within twenty four (24) months after issuance date and completed within thirty six (36) months after issuance date. The $50 in Participatory Savings Credits, provided to Members when they book their tee time online or through the Concierge to play at any Preferred Affiliate Partner Clubs and the $10 in Participatory Savings Credits provided to Members when they book ANY tee time online or through the Concierge, expire within twelve (12) months of being awarded.
How do I redeem my Savings Credits?
Members simply call their Concierge or login to the Members Only section of this website.
Are all Member benefits redeemable with Savings Credits?
Not all, but any product or benefit delivered by our travel service partner that is both accessible online and that has “Discount Pricing “ will be able to be purchased in part with Savings Credits. Simply call the Club Concierge or login to find out
How many Savings Credits can be redeemed at once?
The more “Discount Pricing” associated with that product, the bigger the redemption amount of Savings Credits can be used. Simply login to the website or call the Club Concierge to find out about a specific request
Can I purchase travel or merchandise for free using Savings Credits?
In all cases you are able to purchase travel or merchandise with a combination of Savings Credits and cash/credit card.
How do I earn more Savings Credits?
In addition to the automatic $1,000 in Savings Credits provided at enrollment, Members will receive $600 in additional Savings Credits each year of membership. Members can also earn $50 or each paid greens fee at participating Preferred Affiliate Golf Courses as long as the tee time reservation are made through the Concierge or online at this website. Members will also earn $10 in additional Savings Credits for each round of golf played as long as the tee time reservation is made through the Concierge or online at this website.
Coming soon we will have some additional “premium” offers that will provide even more Savings Credits.
I receive $50 per round in additional Savings Credits every time I play a participating Preferred Affiliate Golf Course?
Yes HOWEVER You must make your tee times through the Concierge or online in order to receive the additional $50 in Savings Credits for each paid greens fee. This will be the only way we can track the rounds played.
What happens if I resign or stop paying the $10 per month fee?
We will contact you to make sure you do wish to not remain a Member. Once you confirm that you do not wish to continue the membership any remaining Savings Credits will immediately expire.
If I resign, can I later on decide to enroll again?
Yes you can, however once you resign or otherwise terminate your Membership, and then reinstate at a later date, you will no longer be eligible to receive Enrollment or Anniversary Savings Credits until you have twelve (12) continuous months of membership.